Like many do, I have a car. I also have children. Many of us also know that car + children = cesspool of splattered sour milk, hidden troves of fishy crackers and cereal, and fruit snacks and banana squashed into unimaginable places.
With these joyful treasures we often get to search for (often times unable to figure out what on earth many of the treasures once were,) comes a mysterious albeit awful smell. I’m talking school lunch + lockers full of gym socks + bottle full of milk that has rolled to an unreachable place and has now formed a solid (you all know what I’m talking about.)
Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m not fond of mysterious smells. Especially in that one place I spend so much time… my car.
Because of this, I wen’t on a search for a long lasting, easy to make, make your car smell like a meadow or a tropical rain forrest or freshly laundered comforter solution.
Thinking of my freshly laundered blankets and how I’d like to dive into a pile of such linens gave me an idea… Why not make my car smell like my clean laundry?
The rest was easy and the smell lasts so much longer than those cute little christmas trees we see swaying from so many rear view mirrors.
Here is what you need.
- Sachet bags – I found some cute and inexpensive canvas ones at Walmart
- Laundry scent beads or crystals – I spent a few minutes in the laundry isle smelling every one and decided that the Gain Fireworks Moonlight Breeze was my flavor!
- Floss
Here are the steps
- Open the sachet bag
- Poor desired amount of crystals inside
- tie them closed and double not the top, (for child safety sake.)
- Double knot some floss around the top to keep closed and for extra safety
Make as many as you like and place them under seats, in consoles, and even in clothing drawers in your home. I put one in my gym bag. It’s divine to make that early morning but kicking run at 6am smelling like a field of fruit trees… just sayin’.
I’ve even put a few bags in my sons foul smelling snow boots. The great thing about these bags is that they fit almost anywhere and are simple to remove. It’s all about keeping in real and keeping things simple here at Lemonade Brain.
I’ve been using the same bags for a few months now, and the smell is still as heavenly and wonderful as ever.
Now, here is a warning. Do NOT let your children ingest. On the label is says “KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. DO NOT INGEST. If swallowed, give a glass of water. In case of eye contact, flush with water. DO NOT PUT IN YORU LIQUID DISPENSER OR DRYER.
Even when venturing into the land of creativity, I firmly believe in safety first. For this reason, I suggest tying the bag closed with a very tight double knot. For an extra precaution, I double knotted some floss around the bag as well.
Oh, and I no longer have to drive with the windows down because of the acrid sweaty kid + sour milk under the seats smell. When Mom is happier, everyone is happier. At least, I’d like to think so.
Happy making everyone.
Remember its the simple things that keep life sweet!
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Thank you 79Delphia! You’re very kind. I’ll look into it for sure!