Gluten Free Crepes: 3 Ingredient Gluten Free All Natural Crepes

Because these bad boys are so easy, delicious and healthy, I may just make them every day!

Okay, probably not. I’m not super Mom after all. However, These would be really easy to make and freeze. Furthermore, I can roll them up like a burrito and eat them on the way to work! Score!

Let’s dive in.


In my house, we are dairy free. Because of 3 out of 5 of us having an allergy to dairy, we rarely buy anything with dairy.

I’ve also found that many of us struggle with wheat/gluten.

Now, I haven’t totally eliminated bread from our house, glorious bread, but I’m trying to find gluten free alternatives.

Which brings me to crepes. My kids LOVE crepes and pancakes. I mean LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.

They’d be happy with pancakes, crepes, waffles, or any bread like breakfast food for every meal.

However, I don’t love how they make my family feel.

After a large dose of flour filled foods, we all seem to be irritable and grumpy.

However, I am not willing to make them give up on their one true love… breakfast foods.

For this reason, I did some experiments in the kitchen and I’m happy to report that I’ve created a crepe that is not only gluten free, it’s all natural and only has THREE INGREDIENTS.

Amazed? You should be. Lol.

Now, are you ready for the recipe?

Well, here it is


1 cup of brown rice flour

2 cups of unsweetened almond or coconut milk

4 eggs


1. Add the brown ride flour and (almond or coconut) milk to a bowl

2. Whisk until incorporated

3. Add the eggs one at a time and whisk

4. If your mixture still seems to thick, add more milk until it’s thin and runny

5. Heat your pan

6. Pour 1/8th cup mixture into the pan and swirl it around until it’s thinly coated

7. Wait for the crepe to bubble and flip it over

8. Brown the other side and then slid it out of the pan

9 Repeat until the mixture is gone

10. Serve with all natural maple syrup of desired topping



The best news… my kids couldn’t get enough and because they are so delicious they beg for them EVERY DAY!

Plus, they are packed with protein and dairy free!

Side note: We used eggs from our chickens. If you’ve ever eaten or seen fresh eggs, you know the yolks are almost orange. Because of this, our pancakes are very yellow. If you do buy eggs from the store, may I suggest cage free! But feel free to buy as you like!

If you’d like to save yourself a trip to the store (who wouldn’t) and order the flour from amazon, here is the link!