Affirmations for Women!

This week we celebrated Women and how incredible, amazing, strong and courageous women are!

I’m sure you’ve seen the infamous Nike Commercial everyone is raving about. I LOVE it because, It’s empowering, shows how incredibly amazing and strong women are and shows what we are capable of. Because, women are capable of AMAZING things. If you have not seen it, here it is!

Women are amazing! Women can be soft and charismatic, yet strong and sophisticated. And women can stay up all night caring for a baby or child, and still go to work and completely slay.

Are we perfect? Absolutely not, but our imperfections and flaws only add to our beauty!

I know women who are going to school full time, working part time and trying to raise three children on their own. That is strong and courageous!

I know a women who, in her 30’s, went to law school while taking care of her two young sons and also went on the pass the bar on her first try! That is incredible, brave and note worthy!

I know women who adopt children who come with an array of special needs and they immediately love them as their own. They sacrifice and care for them and give their whole heart to showing these children complete love! That is noble, wonderful and benevolent!

I know women who are the only person who believe in themselves, and sometimes that is shaky, yet they keep trying and pushing and they become CEO’s, Leaders in the community and more! That is the kind of person I look up to.

I know a woman who, before every one of her 6 rounds of chemo, went for a long run the morning of. A few months after her chemo treatments, she was running marathons. That, my beautiful friends, is what true strength, courage, will power and guts looks like!

Now, this is no slight on men because I also think that men are amazing! I married to one of the most incredible men, in my opinion, and there are things he can do that blow my mind! But that is a post for another time!

Women are complex, beautiful, courageous, unique, wonderful, powerful, strong and amazing creatures and we should know it!

Guys, I’m a big believer that God created women with something special and he created us all unique. He created us with individual gifts, talents and strengths. He created us to overcome almost impossible challenges and to withstand crazy storms. And he created us all with an immense amount of beauty and he created us with a lot of love!

Every single one of us has more to offer that we can even imagine and women all around the world continue to prove this.

When we doubt, it isn’t God filling our mind with doubt, because why would he create us to be these amazing creatures and then doubt ourselves. When we doubt, it’s only the Devil trying to keep us from reaching our potential. If we begin to doubt ourselves it’s because he knows we are on the edge of doing something life changing. Don’t doubt!

Doubt is the Devils favorite tool because it doesn’t take much! Only a drop can hold us back and bring us down, therefore he gently drips those drops everywhere.

Because of this, I think that we need affirmations daily! For a while, I thought that maybe affirmations were something that didn’t coincide with my religion. Then, as I thought about it more, I realized that God would want me to fill my life with positivity, and that includes positive thoughts. He wants me to love myself, which isn’t always easy to do.

Affirmations for women can help us as we grow and try to be who we were made to be!

To make this easier for you and for me, I’ve created affirmations lists that help me feel my potential!

When you read them, try to feel them and believe them, because just reading won’t bring the full benefits!

So, here are your affirmations for women! I hope they help you like they help me!