Self love isn’t always a good thing to accomplish. In fact, it’s a really really HARD thing to do! We are all so busy. We have jobs, co-workers, aspirations, homes, vehicles, animals, millions of children, communities, congregations, farms, gardens, herds of cattle and significant others to take care of! Okay, we don’t all have ALL of those things, but you get my meaning, right?

Life is CRAZY! And amidst all the crazy, as we are busy taking care of EVERYONE ELSE, we forget to practice a little self love!

Now, what exactly is self love? It’s taking that time to love yourself, whatever that looks like. It could be reading a book while soaking in a bubble bath with a dirty Diet Coke or taking a long run. Self love FOR YOU could be a night out with the girls, yoga, or a massage. It could be joining an adult soccer team, scrap booking or getting your nails done!

Whatever that self love looks like for you, or whatever it is that makes you feel lifted and like “yourself,” do that!

Go out to dinner with the girls to go to a movie alone, it doesn’t matter! Just do it!

it is IMPOSSIBLE to fill the cups of others when your well is dry! True, some of us keep digging and digging as deep as we can so that we have a few more drops to give. But eventually, you will BURN OUT. And not only will you burn out, you will resent those you’ve been pouring yourself into. Because you’ve given everything to them!


So, this week OUR challenge is to practice 1 hour of self love a day! Yes, I will be doing this right along with you, as I too often forget to fill my own cup!

To help keep you, and I, on track, I will be posting daily reminders on the lemonade brain insta. @lemonadebraindaily

Now, what is your brand of “SELF LOVE?” First and foremost, you need to figure that out and then, apply it!

Here are a few ways we can practice self love:

  1. Go for a long run or walk
  2. Make a list of your favorite affirmations and read them daily
  3. Book a float pod session – this is SOOO on my bucket list!
  4. Do a yoga session. I highly recommend hot yoga. I know there are differing opinions out there, but it has done wonder for my back pain and mindset.
  5. Spend time with a favorite animal
  6. Grab a friend and go order an appetizer
  7. Meditate
  8. Try a new sport or class, because hey, it might be fun!
  9. Sign up for a paint night
  10. Go hiking – but never alone! Always take a buddy
  11. Look in the mirror every day and tell yourself you’re HOT
  12. Write down a list of your favorite qualities
  13. Check out a stack of books from the library and read every day

I hope you have a sweet week!


