Monday Motivation time again! So, a few weekends ago, we were witnessing my sons first basketball game EVER!

It was so much fun to see him get in there, take the ball, guard for his team and smile while running up and down the court. I could tell he was LOVING it just by the glow on his face… and I don’t mean sweat, though sweat was definitely there.

However, about half way through the game, while trying to snag a rebound, his took the full force of the ball right to his face! Ouch!

He wasn’t bleeding, thank goodness, but he did cover his face and begin to hide the face that he was crying, all while trying to follow his team down the court.

The coach quickly noticed and pulled him off the court and, like the helicopter Mom I am, I ran to my sons aid.

There sat my cute son, ball mark imprinted on his face, trying to hold back the tears. I hugged him, asked him if he was alright, which he quickly answered he was.

Then, to my surprise, about two minutes later, he got right back in the game. I was beyond impressed and proud of my son! What a stud!!!

Truth be told, I’ve felt this way many times in my life, as I’m sure you have. Sometimes, life has a way of sucker punching us right in the nose when we least expect it or perhaps when we are enjoying ourselves.

It’s really easy to fall apart and give up right in the middle of the “court” of life. I’ve sure felt like throwing in the sweat soaked towel a few times in my life.

However, I’ve found that if I keep going, put my fear aside and just embrace the blows, I get stronger and life get’s better and I feel more and more joy!

If I had a nickel for every time I’ve been thrown off a horse, I’d have a big ole’ pile of nickels. And if I had a penny for every time my feeling have been hurt, my pride has been wounded or my faith has been shaken, I’d be like Scrooge McDuck!

However, I can honestly say that my life has been made so much richer in the moments I feel like giving up and I haven’t. I’ve found strength in my struggles and joy in my trials. Funny how that works.

So life, go ahead and throw your punches. They might hurt and they might leave me stunned, but I’ll keep coming back for more because I LOVE LIFE!

I hope you have an amazing Monday and that this Monday Motivation brings you some, well… Motivation!

Here’s to the sweet life!

#mondaymotivation #positivelife #positivethinking #lemonadebrain